While I am waiting for the harpsichord kit to arrive I have time to complete a few small projects, the first of which is to build a set of jack trays.
I already own a French Double harpsichord - also built from a Zuckermann kit (but not by me)

and even if I wasn't about to build another harpsichord I would still need a set of jack trays since I am going to have to remove all of the jacks from that instrument sometime in the not too distant future in order to make some minor adjustments to the keyboards. I am also pretty sure that I will have all of the jacks in and out of the new harpsichord several times before I am even remotely happy with it and having a set of jack trays to keep everything organized will make life a lot easier.
Building the jack trays also gives me a chance to practice my very rudimentary woodworking skills on something really simple.

Each tray can hold a complete set of jacks ...

... or one cat ...
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