Monday, September 13, 2010

Marking out the nut and the bridge

The harpsichord kit comes with a full size mylar drawing that is used to determine the position of the bridge (which is attached to the soundboard) and the nut (which is attached to the wrestplank).

The part of the drawing that represents the soundboard, the gap and the wrestplank is cut out and laid in the case.

The nut is positioned by drilling some small 1/16" holes through it and nailing it through the drawing into the wrestplank.

The bridge is positioned in the same way by placing the soundboard onto the workbench with the drawing on top of it, drilling holes through the bridge and nailing it down.

The bridge has already been bent to approximately the correct shape, but the curved portion towards the treble end still needs some force applied to it in order to get it to line it up in exactly the right position.

Here everything is nailed in place including the separate bass section that butts up against the main bridge.

Close up of the bass end of the bridge.

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